Shopping center in Minsk.
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The installation of a trade center in Minsk ring road. The installation of the roofing system, including smoke hatches, as well as, set traps for the running of their service.
On all construction sites of our company uses III - step system of quality control assembly, which includes: daily presence at the facility qualified superintendent and head of the project, check out the weekly quality engineer, as well as a quality engineer visits the plant ASTRON, 5-6 times during construction. During the last visit of comments on the quality of installation was not.
Installation of a commercial center building is scheduled for completion by October this year. Supporting metal frame is made of 80%, the installation of parapets and wall system is made of 75% of total. By the way, like many of our other sites implemented, this project used roofing system DSR, the production of ASTRON, the specifics of the installation of the roofing system helps to reduce overall construction time by 30%.