July 23, 2013 took place the presentation of multi-business building solutions company, "MVK-Srtoy" for the development of industrial and social infrastructure of the city of Kaliningrad and the Kaliningrad region.
Among the invitees were the majority of the leading architects of design institutes, have expressed interest in the study and application of metal structures. Experts MVK-Stroy and Astron told and showed all the features in the design of social, sports and industrial buildings as well as buildings and structures for the maintenance of air and water vessels. MVK-Stroy were presented model projects parking lots, aircraft building, typical tennis courts on the 2nd and 4th at the site, as well as projects multipurpose sports complexes, which have been implemented in the framework of the state program "New Generation" in Novgorod.
Among those invited and attended the presentation of the business building solutions, "MVK-Stroy", in addition to the main architects, attended by the heads of administrations Guriev, Gus and Bogrationnovskogo districts. Their participation in this event showed the seriousness of the intentions of the authorities in the development of the city of Kaliningrad and the Kaliningrad region.
The company "MVK-Stroy" for 13 years, is a leader in the construction of steel structures, and 11 years of success with a constant and reliable partner - Astron Building - the European leader in their industry. Two strong leaders have combined their resources to update the architectural appearance of the city of Kaliningrad.