В связи с тем, что качество и комфорт среды для тренировок спортсменов является одним из ключевых факторов влияющих на достижение результатов, к выбору проектировщика и поставщика здания для тренировок будущих чемпионов подходят очень ответственно. В последние годы на рынке появилось множеств новых технологий, оборудования и материалов. Конечно, материалы и оборудование для реализации спортивно-тренировочных комплексов в основном остаются на усмотрение заказчика, но здания из металлических конструкций АSTRON – это технология для каждого из них.
MVK-STORY signed a contract for the development of design documentation of prefabricated buildings for storage hangar business aircraft to the International airport "Sheremetyevo".
The design team of MVK- STROY , has completed the preliminary design " Complex for production of aluminum profiles ." When designing this industrial building , special attention was paid to existing housing , which adjoined on both sides of the new building. Not only took into account all the conditions of technical processes , but also to constructively complex solutions . Both the building and the old and new, performed in a single architectural concept. It is planned reconstruction of the facades of the existing building that would preserve the architectural integrity of the exterior.
MOSCOW - RIA Novosti . Moscow Region government on Tuesday adopted a program of "Architecture and Urbanism suburbs " on the years 2014-2018 , according to which the formation of the architectural appearance of cities and other purposes will be spent almost 3 billion rubles, said at a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Minister of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow region Alexei Vorontsov .
MOSCOW - RIA Novosti . Moscow Region government on Tuesday adopted a program of "Architecture and Urbanism suburbs " on the years 2014-2018 , according to which the formation of the architectural appearance of cities and other purposes will be spent almost 3 billion rubles, said at a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Minister of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow region Alexei Vorontsov .
Today, Moscow once again in a state of the construction boom. Today's builders prefer a comprehensive approach to building, erecting not individual homes and apartment complexes with all necessary infrastructure and nekazennymi, romantic names. It is a kind of small towns in a major metropolis. It has its own car park, shops, kindergartens, hospitals, recreational facilities and more. If we talk about the architectural style - a particularly popular high-tech, but still, the main feature of Moscow's architecture remains unchanged - it is the multiplicity and diversity, mixing styles and originality.